Check out the list of parts of what we have in stock in the office, and look into one (or more) new sensors you’ve never tried before, or find your own new sensors to learn about.
You can click into links of the sensors for information, data sheets, and sometimes example circuits and code (if they link to Adafruit or Sparkfun websites). Watch this video about reading data sheet, an important way of learning about new sensors. Write down what you discovered in your blog, including answers to the questions below.
Here’s a good sensor research example, Softpot by Lauren Race. And a more advanced sensor example, RFID Sensor by David Yang.
For extra credit, if you want to, get one from us and play around with it.
Find a piece of media art you like and write about it in your blog. Pick something with a physical interface or sensing system of some kind (i.e. not solely screen based). Include a summary with images and/or video, describe the viewer/user experience, and as much as you can figure out about how it’s made.
If you need inspiration on what to write about, look through posts on Hello Circuit, or find any other project you feel would be a good subject for Physical Computing.
Blog about both research promps, and prepare a 5 mins presentation to the class next week.