p5.js is an Open-Source Javascript library for creative coding, that comes with its own browser-based online editor. In order to interface with p5.js using Serial Communication, you will need an extra piece of connection that bridges the browser and your microcontroller. The p5 Serial project offers a solution, and there are two ways to use it:
Download External Application
The p5.serialcontrol application is currently not maintained, but you’re still able to use it. Download the latest version of p5.serialcontrol application for your operation system (Darwin for Mac OS), and save it in your Applications folder. If you’re using Mac OS, you might need to bypass the security check
Run a p5 Serial Server in Node.js or Processing
The more up-to-date, currently maintained version of p5 Serial requires running a server yourself. If you have npm and Node.js installed in your terminal, It’s easy to set it up by downloading the p5.serialserver repo on GitHub, and installing following the guide.
For terminal installment, remember to navigate to the direction where you downloaded the repo, for example cd /Users/me/GitHub/p5.serialserver-main
, before running npm install
Once your connection is established with either the Application or the Server, you also need to add the p5.serialport library to your index.html
file in your p5 sketch. Navigate to your index.html
file on your sidebar, and add <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/p5.serialserver@latest/lib/p5.serialport.js"></script>
underneath the other <script>
Example p5 sketch receiving a potentiometer value here